Errores NNC

Errores NNC mas frecuentes

NNC-00002: error listening on stream string

NNC-00411: invalid default domain name "string"

NNC-00003: error opening stream string

NNC-00405: network failure

NNC-00501: warning: "string" parameter value must be between number and number, setting to number

NNC-00426: no such data type

NNC-00500: warning: "string" parameter value is illegal, setting to string

NNC-00431: NS address does not match any of the current addresses

NNC-00053: ASN.1 error encountered while sending or receiving message

NNC-00422: invalid data type name "string"

NNC-00407: alias loop in name request

NNC-00430: Database not accessible

NNC-00401: program interface initialization failed

NNC-00005: cannot initialization stream subsystem

NNC-00402: program interface de-initialization failed

NNC-00409: temporary name service failure

NNC-00050: message format error

NNC-00420: operation not allowed

NNC-00419: authoritative server is unreachable

NNC-00417: name "string" already exists

NNC-00004: connection is broken

NNC-00408: name "string" exists but desired data does not

NNC-00428: invalid meta-data data item

NNC-00404: supplied buffer of size string is smaller than minimum size string

NNC-00414: invalid name-value binding string "string"

NNC-00421: invalid modification directive string, must be between string and string

NNC-00406: name "string" does not exist

NNC-00429: invalid octet string literal "string"

NNC-00415: section identifier string is invalid, must be between string and string

NNC-00400: memory exhausted

NNC-00410: invalid preferred server address list

NNC-00001: maximum number of connections already open

NNC-00412: invalid name "string"

NNC-00403: program interface has not been initialised

NNC-00413: general failure

NNC-00416: user callback function returned error number string

NNC-00424: invalid address "string"

NNC-00418: name "string" cannot be modified because it has children

NNC-00427: server does not support this version of the protocol

NNC-00423: invalid data item syntax code string

NNC-00052: client and server protocol versions are incompatible

NNC-00425: meta-data violation

NNC-00051: message content error

NNC-00000: normal, successful completion