Errores PLS

Errores PLS mas frecuentes

PLS-00118: Duplicate group-by clause in table expression

PLS-00427: RPC defaults cannot use builtins when versions of STANDARD differ

PLS-00725: type 'string' must be a supertype or subtype of the TREAT expression

PLS-00404: cursor 'string' must be declared with FOR UPDATE to use with CURRENT OF

PLS-00534: A Table type may not contain a nested table type or VARRAY.

PLS-00906: Compilation is not possible

PLS-00398: wrong number of columns in UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS expression

PLS-00154: An object type may have only 1 MAP or 1 ORDER method.

PLS-01911: : associative array key violates its type constraints

PLS-00143: duplicate external LANGUAGE specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00588: unqualified instance attribute references allowed only in member methods

PLS-00240: Invalid type specification for RETURN indicator, length, tdo, duration

PLS-00368: in RAISE statement, 'string' must be an exception name

PLS-00641: INTO clause not allowed for this SELECT statement

PLS-00644: character set mismatch found at 'string' among result expressions in a CASE expression

PLS-00234: PARAMETER STYLE SQL may not be specified with a PARAMATERS list

PLS-00569: numeric overflow or underflow

PLS-00535: A VARRAY type may not contain a NESTED TABLE, VARRAY or LOB

PLS-00584: size of an opaque type must be between 1 and 4000 bytes

PLS-00356: 'string' must name a table to which the user has access

PLS-00616: type mismatch found at 'string' among result expressions in a CASE expression

PLS-00525: Within SQL statements, only equality comparisons of objects are allowed without a map or order function.

PLS-00229: Attribute expression within SQL expression

PLS-00388: undefined column 'string' in subquery

PLS-00924: native compilation is not supported on this platform

PLS-00148: Only 1 pragma of this type is allowed per subprogram

PLS-01906: : raw variable length too long

PLS-00150: found: string but expected : INTEGER

PLS-00626: partitioned/clustered/ordered parameter must be a function argument

PLS-00631: PARTITION-BY and CLUSTER/ORDER-BY clauses must be used with the same function argument

PLS-00520: MAP methods must be declared without any parameters other than (optional) SELF.

PLS-00720: type 'string' has evolved

PLS-00141: duplicate external PARAMETER STYLE specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00322: declaration of a constant 'string' must contain an initialization assignment

PLS-00339: "string" matches object-table without a REF or VALUE modifier

PLS-01420: INTERSECT and MINUS set operators are not ANSI

PLS-00486: select list cannot be enclosed in parentheses

PLS-00169: modifier 'string' conflicts with prior 'string' specification

PLS-00635: method does not override

PLS-00399: different types of columns in UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS expression

PLS-00390: undefined column 'string' in INSERT statement

PLS-00614: creating a FINAL NOT INSTANTIABLE type

PLS-01912: instance must be of type 'string'

PLS-00164: cursor subqueries are not supported in this release

PLS-00223: paramaterless procedure 'string' used as function

PLS-00414: no column 'string' in table

PLS-00253: Formal parameter string missing in the parameters clause

PLS-00645: character set mismatch found at 'string' among operands in a COALESCE expression

PLS-01419: Subquery must have either '*' or exactly one column in its select list

PLS-00505: User Defined Types may only be defined as PLSQL Tables or Records

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