Errores LPX

Errores LPX mas frecuentes

LPX-00116: element "string" attribute "string" has invalid value "string", must be "string"

LPX-00400: an internal error has occurred in XPATH

LPX-00307: namespace prefix string used but not declared

LPX-00306: inputed string ended with no corresponding closing xd5 }xd5

LPX-00262: unsupported protocol string

LPX-00227: entity "string" is not a parsed entity

LPX-00275: can't set output/data encoding AFTER parsing

LPX-00282: document cannot have both internal/external and shared DTDs

LPX-00270: FTP error: string

LPX-00279: invalid no_proxy "string"

LPX-00321: None of the output methods (DOM, SAX, Stream) are selected

LPX-00316: invalid value string for string attribute string

LPX-00312: cannot construct XML PI with content: string

LPX-00403: unmatched quote in the XSL file

LPX-00258: invalid "Mixed" specification in element declaration

LPX-00213: comment did not end in "-->"

LPX-00218: invalid character number ('character')

LPX-00265: read failed from to host string

LPX-00300: no name in attribute set

LPX-00272: FTP server unavailable: string

LPX-00276: bad HTTP/Mime header

LPX-00266: invalid language specification string

LPX-00305: missing token

LPX-00248: invalid entity declaration

LPX-00252: invalid entity replacement-text nesting

LPX-00237: invalid condition section keyword, must be INCLUDE or IGNORE

LPX-00220: the string "]]>" cannot occur in character data

LPX-00251: conditional sections are valid only in external DTDs

LPX-00317: undefined decimal-format "string"

LPX-00259: invalid notation declaration

LPX-00303: attribute value "string" not expected for string

LPX-00308: attribute string not found in string

LPX-00309: cannot initialize XPATH

LPX-00214: CDATA section did not end in "]]>"

LPX-00215: processing instruction did not end in "?>"

LPX-00221: the character "<" cannot occur in attribute values

LPX-00319: The node specified is not valid

LPX-00278: invalid string proxy "string"

LPX-00273: failed to initialize TCP/IP

LPX-00281: unsupported encoding "string"

LPX-00314: an internal failure occurred

LPX-00246: missing system ID after public ID

LPX-00310: element string not found in string

LPX-00257: invalid children specification in element declaration

LPX-00239: invalid attribute type "string"

LPX-00311: unsupported feature: string

LPX-00323: illegal apply-imports because of no current template: string

LPX-00301: error in XPATH evaluation

LPX-00313: cannot construct XML comment with content: string

LPX-00250: invalid attribute declaration