Errores MOD

Errores MOD mas frecuentes

MOD-00066: unable to load package "string" from database

MOD-00060: PL/SQL error in compiling package specification

MOD-00055: preprocessor directive is not understood

MOD-00073: INAME option is specified but not meaningful

MOD-00076: ANSI violation at line number. PLS-number: string

MOD-00095: datatype "string" is not valid for this host language.

MOD-00063: procedure string, parameter string: illegal interface type "string"

MOD-00078: must specify a user if generating stubs from stored package

MOD-00064: procedure string: extra parameter "string" in interface

MOD-00069: Oracle error number while attempting to store package

MOD-00097: with-interface must be specified for this host language

MOD-00079: SQLCHECK must be SEMANTICS when RPC=yes

MOD-00081: failed assertion

MOD-00062: host variable for indicator is not recognized

MOD-00061: PL/SQL error in compiling package body

MOD-00098: with-interface may only be defaulted when bind=late

MOD-00080: error extracting stored package source

MOD-00075: error at line number. PLS-number: string

MOD-00087: [storing package in dB]

MOD-00065: interface definition missing for procedure string

MOD-00094: extension in PNAME option is specified but not meaningful

MOD-00088: feature not implemented yet

MOD-00086: error: could not install username; aborted...

MOD-00068: could not find or open system configuration file

MOD-00092: [RPC calls generated]

MOD-00093: SNAME option is specified but not meaningful

MOD-00067: package name is required but not specified

MOD-00085: [package specification compiled]

MOD-00074: ONAME option is specified but not meaningful

MOD-00090: in cursor string : string

MOD-00096: LNAME option is specified but not meaningful

MOD-00070: procedure string interface is missing declaration for string

MOD-00084: [compiling package specification...]

MOD-00072: PNAME option is specified but not meaningful

MOD-00099: type string is invalid when storing a module, store=yes

MOD-00071: PNAME option is required but not set

MOD-00082: [compiling package body...]

MOD-00083: [package body compiled]

MOD-00089: in procedure string: string

MOD-00077: mandatory status parameter, such as SQLCODE or SQLSTATE,is missing

MOD-00091: [generating RPC calls to stored package...]