Errores NNO

Errores NNO mas frecuentes

NNO-00264: configuration database query returned no data

NNO-00705: warning: cannot open checkpoint file "string", checkpointing disabled

NNO-00270: ORACLE error string

NNO-00601: warning: no forwarders, DEFAULT-FORWARDERS-ONLY mode ignored

NNO-00329: server will save the config file in number seconds

NNO-00105: line string: invalid name "string", data ignored

NNO-00800: Error: cannot read version from config database

NNO-00852: failed to get LDAP entry: error = number

NNO-00707: server's cache will be flushed in number seconds

NNO-00106: line string: invalid TTL "string", data ignored

NNO-00622: warning: too many auto-refresh failures for name "string", query expired

NNO-00802: Error: OCI_NEED_DATA

NNO-00328: server has reset statistic counters to zero

NNO-00159: warning: ignoring duplicate hint domain number name "string"

NNO-00312: listen address string is invalid

NNO-00853: failed to get LDAP attribute/value: error = number

NNO-00332: warning: region store serial number reduced from number to number

NNO-00304: listen address string length string exceeds maximum of string

NNO-00606: disabling modification requests

NNO-00706: overriding next cache checkpoint, checking in number seconds

NNO-00313: server password length string exceeds maximum of string

NNO-00635: warning: ignoring duplicate forwarder "string"

NNO-00306: server shutdown countdown aborted

NNO-00623: setting auto-refresh retry interval to number seconds

NNO-00801: Error: OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: string

NNO-00326: server statistic counter dump follows

NNO-00630: setting request-processing delay to number seconds

NNO-00330: server saved the config file "string".

NNO-00703: checkpoint interval changed to number seconds

NNO-00305: trace level changed from number to number

NNO-00259: configuration tables have not been installed or are inaccessible

NNO-00634: received authoritative name "string" when we are its authority

NNO-00709: failed delete of cache checkpoint file "string", cache flush may not work

NNO-00269: configuration database is version string, server requires at least version string

NNO-00700: warning: cannot checkpoint the cache, trying again in number seconds

NNO-00605: enabling modification requests

NNO-00303: server "string" started with process ID number

NNO-00323: overriding next statistic counter dump, dumping in number seconds

NNO-00309: server restarting

NNO-00618: disabling AUTHORITY-REQUIRED on system queries

NNO-00152: warning: hint count number exceeds maximum of number, first number will be loaded

NNO-00255: cannot initialize ROS

NNO-00712: warning: group string cache checkpoint failed

NNO-00267: warning: configuration database contains no data for server "string"

NNO-00334: region load failure: ROS admin_region type number unsupported

NNO-00155: warning: hint number has missing address, hint ignored

NNO-00625: overriding auto-refresh of name "string", type "string", refresh in number seconds

NNO-00265: warning: cannot load data from checkpoint file

NNO-00603: enabling all request processing

NNO-00263: error from configuration database