Errores ORA

Errores ORA mas frecuentes

ORA-24072: cannot execute MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE procedure; must own queue table

ORA-24096: invalid message state specified

ORA-24157: duplicate variable name string

ORA-24164: invalid rule engine system privilege: string

ORA-24183: invalid transformation

ORA-24301: null host specified in thread-safe logon

ORA-24401: cannot open further connections

ORA-24417: Session pool size has exceeded the maximum limit

ORA-24900: invalid or unsupported mode paramater passed in call

ORA-25129: cannot modify constraint (string) - no such constraint


ORA-25426: remote instance does not support shared dblinks

ORA-25467: table alias not specified

ORA-26045: REF column string expects string arguments; found string.

ORA-26506: null global context

ORA-26520: internal memory failure

ORA-27127: unable to unlock shared memory segment

ORA-28107: policy was disabled

ORA-29304: tablespace 'string' does not exist

ORA-29340: export file appears to be corrupted: [string] [string] [string]

ORA-29343: user string (mapped from user string) does not exist in the database

ORA-29353: The transportable list is too long.

ORA-29376: number of consumer groups string in top-plan string exceeds string

ORA-29520: name string resolved to a class in schema string that could not be accessed

ORA-29656: Invalid option for USING

ORA-29955: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXEXCHANGEPARTITION routine

ORA-30037: Cannot perform parallel DML after a prior DML on the object

ORA-30039: Cannot drop the undo tablespace

ORA-30163: The thread safety initialization failed

ORA-30437: all job queue processes have stopped running

ORA-30505: system triggers should not reference a column in a WHEN clause

ORA-30680: debugger connection handshake failed

ORA-30688: maximum program calling depth exceeded

ORA-31033: Requested number of XML children string exceeds maximum string

ORA-31034: Could not delete at index string in a string-element node

ORA-31048: Unsaved resources cannot be updated

ORA-31110: Action failed as resource string is locked by name

ORA-31207: DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP search time value

ORA-32037: unsupported use of LEVEL in membership condition

ORA-32137: Cannot perform read/write operation on stream

ORA-32145: Environment not specified

ORA-32310: object materialized views must select from an object table

ORA-32602: FREEPOOLS and FREELIST GROUPS cannot be used together

ORA-33002: (XSAGDNGL00) \%a workspace object number number In AGGMAP \%p, the FLOOR argument of \%p must be less than the CEILING argument of \%p.

ORA-33092: (XSAGCOMP04) number is not the name of a MODEL in any attached analytic workspace.

ORA-34143: (MXCGPUT02) You cannot assign values to SURROGATE workspace object because it is type INTEGER.

ORA-02009: the size specified for a file must not be zero

ORA-02212: duplicate PCTFREE option specification

ORA-02285: duplicate START WITH specifications

ORA-02332: cannot create index on attributes of this column