Errores DRG

Errores DRG mas frecuentes

DRG-10707: a value is required for attribute string of preference string

DRG-12605: datatype of column number in COLUMNS list is not supported

DRG-10833: feedback failed

DRG-11118: object string does not exist

DRG-12232: invalid attribute tag format

DRG-10838: invalid SPAN argument supplied to NEAR

DRG-12224: use ctx_ddl.create_section_group to create section groups

DRG-10562: missing alter index parameter

DRG-10583: TRUNCATE INDEX failed: string

DRG-11803: OK

DRG-11214: execution of procedure filter stored procedure has failed

DRG-13309: operation not supported by USER_LEXER

DRG-11727: phrase does not have any related terms

DRG-10606: server failed to access the DML Queue

DRG-10820: invalid contains cursor id

DRG-11616: URL store: too many redirections trying to access string

DRG-11702: string

DRG-11618: URL store: document identified by string is too large

DRG-11100: unable to connect to the database

DRG-11403: primary key value too long

DRG-11725: phrase does not have any synonyms

DRG-50867: failed to free Oracle object

DRG-50905: invalid score threshold string

DRG-11004: duplicate or conflicting value for string

DRG-13310: index owner does not have EXECUTE privilege on USER_LEXER stored procedure string

DRG-10569: table or column does not exist: string

DRG-11607: URL store: access to string was denied due to garbled response

DRG-11203: INSO filter not supported on this platform

DRG-50916: last document string is less than first document

DRG-10826: no document with the specified textkey is found

DRG-11722: invalid language specification

DRG-11874: Wrong Or Unknown Access Scheme

DRG-50910: max documents requested string outside valid range 1 to 65535

DRG-10597: invalid rebuild online operation

DRG-10817: CONTAINS term consists of stopword or phrase of stopwords: string

DRG-12203: section group string does not exist

DRG-11844: HTTP Version Not Supported

DRG-11006: invalid alter index parameter string

DRG-10584: failed to string string string due to an Oracle error

DRG-10754: memory size must be between string and string

DRG-11102: assigned lexer can not operate on string language setting

DRG-10535: failed to optimize text index string

DRG-11106: user database session has terminated during this operation

DRG-11215: index owner does not have access to filter stored procedure: string

DRG-11444: valid gist maxPercent values are string

DRG-50855: logoff fail

DRG-11505: long data on line string not found or invalid

DRG-13307: 'off'=string and 'len'=string references character past end-of-file of string character document, at line string

DRG-10533: invalid user name: string

DRG-11109: assigned lexer does not support string query operator