Errores DRG

Errores DRG mas frecuentes

DRG-50864: number assignment failed

DRG-50935: parser component failure

DRG-52208: the specified attribute already exist: string

DRG-11521: encounter error when updating a LONG or LONG RAW column

DRG-12227: a zone section named string already exists in this section group

DRG-12438: document table release failed

DRG-10836: field section and attribute section can not be nested

DRG-11822: Forbidden

DRG-13101: partition string does not exist in this index

DRG-51312: DML lock internal error string

DRG-10750: unknown parameter string

DRG-10816: display/highlight call failed

DRG-12503: error while creating or dropping stoplist

DRG-50865: failed to append to collection

DRG-12307: column string is NULL and cannot be indexed

DRG-50400: maximum number of fuzzy match candidates exceeded: string

DRG-11861: CSO-server Replies

DRG-12220: a valid tag must be provided

DRG-12436: document table allocation failed

DRG-50948: ABOUT clause required in the absence of a text index

DRG-51017: unable to open storage buffer for fuzzy match candidates

DRG-10582: column string does not exist in table string

DRG-11512: bad syntax for thesaurus load file at line string

DRG-50303: error in bufout

DRG-12226: a field section named string already exists in this section group

DRG-12500: stoplist string already exists

DRG-10829: feedback id string is longer than the maximum length of string bytes

DRG-12008: Location has moved, continue?

DRG-13008: cannot remove the DEFAULT sub lexer

DRG-50917: escape on at end of text query string

DRG-50922: PL/SQL execution failed for string

DRG-12204: error while dropping section group string

DRG-50937: query too complex

DRG-10598: invalid parallel operation

DRG-11002: missing value for string

DRG-11533: improper value of column string

DRG-11811: Multiple Choices

DRG-50947: ABOUT clause not allowed without a theme index

DRG-10832: can not delete from feedback table string

DRG-11525: invalid commitafter parameter of string specified

DRG-11856: FTP Server Doesn't Reply

DRG-11857: Server Timed Out

DRG-50304: error in execute()

DRG-50853: fetch error

DRG-50936: query word string is too complex for index

DRG-10579: must provide text query criteria

DRG-11605: URL store: document specified by string not found

DRG-50850: string

DRG-11534: invalid column string

DRG-11863: Bad, Incomplete, Or Unknown Response