Errores ORA

Errores ORA mas frecuentes

ORA-14171: cannot specify subpartition_description clause in CREATE|ALTER TABLE

ORA-16747: Logical standby guard could not be turned on

ORA-19016: attributes cannot occur after element specifications

ORA-21602: operation does not support the specified typecode

ORA-21704: cannot terminate cache or connection without flushing first

ORA-22327: cannot change a type to NOT INSTANTIABLE if it has dependent tables

ORA-22857: cannot modify columns of object tables

ORA-22972: NULL value not allowed in PRIMARY KEY-based object identifier

ORA-23514: invalid or incorrect number of arguments

ORA-24142: invalid ruleset name

ORA-24901: handles belonging to different environments passed into an OCI call

ORA-25181: missing ON keyword for NESTED INDEX

ORA-25953: join index cannot be a functional index

ORA-26081: load stream synchronization error

ORA-28165: proxy 'string' may not specify password-protected role 'string' for client 'string'

ORA-29361: percentage string is outside valid range of 0 to 100

ORA-29545: badly formed class: string

ORA-30177: invalid flag used in a format specification

ORA-02342: replacement type has compilation errors

ORA-04051: user string cannot use database link string.string

ORA-06316: IPA: Invalid database SID

ORA-06760: TLI Driver: timeout reading orderly release

ORA-06767: TLI Driver: alloc failed during release

ORA-06815: TLI Driver: could not link SPX and IPX streams

ORA-06920: CMX: getbrkmsg illegal datatype

ORA-07234: slemcw: fseek error.

ORA-07626: smsget: sga already mapped

ORA-08435: PICTURE MASK missing the leading sign when SIGN IS LEADING specified

ORA-09928: Unable to restore the label of server

ORA-09938: Save of signal handlers failed.

ORA-10617: Cannot create rollback segment in dictionary managed tablespace

ORA-12326: database string is closing immediately; no operations are permitted

ORA-12467: minimum label can contain a level only

ORA-12495: cannot disable an enabled level, category, or release category

ORA-13211: failed to tessellate the window object

ORA-13214: failed to compute supercell for window object

ORA-13417: undefined raster to model space transformation

ORA-14057: partition "string": sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100

ORA-16051: parameter string contains an invalid delay time

ORA-16746: Resource guard encountered error during database mount

ORA-16958: unable to convert document

ORA-21605: property [string] is not a property of value instances

ORA-22326: cannot change a type to FINAL if it has subtypes

ORA-22334: cannot reset type "string"."string". Dependent tables must be upgraded to latest version.

ORA-24760: invalid isolation level flags

ORA-25178: duplicate PCTTHRESHOLD storage option specification

ORA-29706: incorrect value string for parameter ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT

ORA-30016: undo tablespace 'string' is already in use by this instance

ORA-33100: (APABBR02) \%a number workspace object Value '\%p' is not valid for the \%p option.

ORA-33332: (DSSEXIST01) Use the AW command to establish a current analytic workspace. Then start your current activity again.