Errores QSM

Errores QSM mas frecuentes

QSM-01025: materialized view, string, not found

QSM-01020: materialized view, string, is ineligible

QSM-02180: no primary key constraint in the master table

QSM-02091: materialized view references a non-repeatable or session-sensitive expression

QSM-00514: the size of must-retain summaries exceeds specified space limit

QSM-02082: problem with materialized view log

QSM-01056: no query rewrite for this DDL expression

QSM-02053: collection subquery in materialized view

QSM-01102: materialized view, string, requires join back to table, string, on column, string

QSM-02049: subquery using the ANY clause in materialized view

QSM-02083: materialized view references PL/SQL function that maintains state

QSM-01061: illegal query expression

QSM-02137: agg(expr) requires corresponding STDDEV(expr) function

QSM-02154: MV is not fast refreshable even with view merging

QSM-02018: subquery present in the WHERE clause

QSM-01091: cost based optimizer found query rewrite is more expensive

QSM-01094: outer-join filter not found in materialized join view

QSM-02025: no aggregate functions

QSM-02064: subquery in materialized view

QSM-02117: missing GROUPING_ID or GROUPING functions on GROUP BY columns

QSM-01081: no primary key or row id found for table, string, in MV, string

QSM-01092: mjv tries to rewrite a semi-join and primary key or rowid missing

QSM-01063: query has a dictionary table or view

QSM-02031: materialized view cannot support any type of query rewrite

QSM-01060: illegal subquery in the HAVING clause

QSM-02011: a HAVING clause is present

QSM-01052: referential integrity constraint on table, string, not VALID in ENFORCED integrity mode

QSM-02128: does not meet the requirements of a primary key materialized view

QSM-02161: see the reason why REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML is disabled

QSM-02038: Partition Change Tracking (PCT) is enabled

QSM-02171: the materialized view has a join operation in the outer UNION block

QSM-02021: set operator encountered in materialized view

QSM-02005: named view in FROM list

QSM-02081: materialized view log does not have all necessary columns

QSM-02041: nested aggregate function

QSM-02146: see the reason why REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_INSERT is disabled

QSM-02147: default date format is sensitive to session settings

QSM-02020: container column not in SELECT list with NOT NULL constraint

QSM-01071: a lossy join in materialized view, string, from table, string, not found in query

QSM-02113: expression in select list references multiple tables or views

QSM-01098: materialized view string clause more restrictive than query string clause

QSM-01062: query has one or more manual partition(s)

QSM-01077: materialized view, string, is grouping at a higher level than query

QSM-02099: materialized view references a remote table or view in the FROM list

QSM-02067: no partition key or PMARKER in select list

QSM-02075: materialized view on synonym

QSM-02176: MV with UNION ALL in a view is too complex

QSM-01093: anti-join marker not found in materialized join view

QSM-01086: dimension(s) not present or not used in ENFORCED integrity mode

QSM-02115: materialized view references a remote object and is refreshed ON COMMIT