Errores QSM

Errores QSM mas frecuentes

QSM-02008: non-join filter condition in WHERE or HAVING clause

QSM-02047: window function in materialized view

QSM-02058: set operator in materialized view and compatibility mode is less than 9.0

QSM-02116: multiple master sites

QSM-02162: the detail table does not have a materialized view log

QSM-02152: subquery or named view in FROM list even after view merging

QSM-02177: MV with UNION ALL in a view must match the view's SELECT list

QSM-02010: join predicate with operator other than equals (=)

QSM-02037: cannot evaluate constant expression at compile time

QSM-02153: view or subquery in FROM list not supported for this type materialized view

QSM-01101: rollups took place on mv, string

QSM-02149: ON COMMIT with this materialized view requires 9.0 compatibility or higher

QSM-02127: not supported for this type materialized view by Oracle version at master site

QSM-02054: DISTINCT clause in select list in materialized view

QSM-02030: reduced precision specified for prebuilt materialized view

QSM-02015: Index-Organized Table (IOT) present in FROM list

QSM-02009: non-inner join

QSM-02012: a CONNECT BY clause is present

QSM-02144: aggregate functions are present without a GROUP BY clause

QSM-02090: SELECT includes an expression that is not just a column

QSM-02102: materialized view FROM list references an object in the SYS schema

QSM-02057: ROWNUM referenced in materialized view

QSM-02026: non-AND conjunction in WHERE clause

QSM-02074: materialized view over Heterogeneous Services link

QSM-01080: invalid dimension, string

QSM-02092: materialized view references a sequence number

QSM-02093: materialized view uses an object REF clause

QSM-02124: object type in WHERE clause

QSM-01095: no suitable grouping_id found in materialized view with grouping sets

QSM-02003: aggregate function nested within an expression

QSM-01068: no dimensions present

QSM-01067: materialized view, string, cannot support the query measure, string

QSM-02051: subquery using the NOT EXISTS clause in materialized view

QSM-02061: one or more joins present in materialized view

QSM-01099: non-tolerated reference to stale portion of materialized view for table string

QSM-02163: cannot use object id columns from materialized view log

QSM-02078: materialized view log must have new values

QSM-01066: materialized view, string, does not have the column, string, from query

QSM-01087: query grouping on a column that cannot be derived from materialized view, string

QSM-02069: PCT not supported with multi-column partition key

QSM-01073: materialized view, string, has a join not found in query

QSM-01072: materialized view, string, and query have different joins between tables, string

QSM-01082: Joining materialized view, string, with table, string, not possible

QSM-02028: group by CUBE

QSM-02048: outer join in materialized view

QSM-02120: compatibility mode must be 9.0 or higher

QSM-02130: expression not supported for fast refresh

QSM-02022: aggregate selections

QSM-02133: agg(expr) requires corresponding MIN(expr) function

QSM-02066: Oracle error: see RELATED_NUM and RELATED_TEXT for details