Errores ORA

Errores ORA mas frecuentes

ORA-30121: 'string' is not an allowable value for 'string'

ORA-30181: integer in argument index is not immediately followed by )

ORA-30379: query txt not specified

ORA-30462: unsupported operator: string

ORA-30655: cannot select FOR UPDATE from external organized table

ORA-30735: cannot create multiple subtables of the same type under a supertable

ORA-30772: opaque types do not have default constructors

ORA-31022: Element not found

ORA-31092: invalid SQL name "string"

ORA-31151: Cyclic definition encountered for string: "string"

ORA-31421: change table does not exist

ORA-32060: channel failure

ORA-33046: (XSAGDNGL22) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can specify only one SCREENBY clause.

ORA-33056: (XSAGDNGL27) \%a workspace object number number In AGGMAP \%p, the MAX argument of \%p must be greater than the CEILING argument of \%p.

ORA-33074: (XSAGDNGL36) \%a workspace object workspace object number In AGGMAP \%p, the offset \%p is not a valid offset into dimension \%p.

ORA-36376: (XSAGZERO) AGGREGATE attempted to divide by zero. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a division by zero.

ORA-01945: DEFAULT ROLE[S] already specified

ORA-02146: SHARED specified multiple times

ORA-02160: index-organized table can not contain columns of type LONG

ORA-02313: object type contains non-queryable type string attribute

ORA-02332: cannot create index on attributes of this column

ORA-02340: invalid column specification

ORA-02711: osnpvalid: write to validation channel failed

ORA-02755: osnfsmcre: cannot create chared memory file ?/dbs/ftt_pid.dbf

ORA-02829: No segment of the proper size is available

ORA-03207: subpartitioned type must be specified for composite object

ORA-03216: Tablespace/Segment Verification cannot proceed

ORA-03218: invalid option for CREATE/ALTER TABLESPACE

ORA-06019: NETASY: invalid login (connect) string

ORA-06037: NETDNT: connect failed, node unreachable

ORA-06119: NETTCP: spurious client request

ORA-06140: NETTCP: no such user

ORA-06261: NETNTT: nrange() failed

ORA-06775: TLI Driver: error reading break mode

ORA-06778: TLI Driver: error sending ccode

ORA-06929: CMX: error when sending ORACLE_SID

ORA-07203: sltln: attempt to translate a long environment variable.

ORA-07206: slgtd: gettimeofday error, unable to obtain time.

ORA-07305: ksmcsg: illegal database buffer size.

ORA-07419: sfareq: Database writer got error in timing function.

ORA-07425: sdpri: error string in translating dump file location.

ORA-07427: spstp: cannot change directory to dbs.

ORA-07447: ssarena: usinit failed.

ORA-07470: snclget: cannot get cluster number.

ORA-07478: scgcmn: cannot get lock status.

ORA-07499: spglk: Cannot reschedule.

ORA-07514: scgcan: $deq unexpected return while canceling lock

ORA-07572: szrfc: insufficient rolename buffer space

ORA-07665: ssrexhd: recursive exception encountered string string string string string string

ORA-07670: $IDTOASC failed translating a secrecy category