Errores ORA

Errores ORA mas frecuentes

ORA-16214: apply stalled for apply delay

ORA-16593: XML conversion failed

ORA-16613: initialization in progress for site

ORA-16709: the resource guard is busy and cannot service the request

ORA-16712: the resource handle is invalid

ORA-16732: Error executing dbms_logstdby.skip procedure

ORA-16769: Error executing apply_set procedure

ORA-16772: Error in switching over between primary and standby databases

ORA-16805: Change of LogXptMode property violates overall protection mode

ORA-19009: Missing XMLSchema keyword

ORA-19204: Non-scalar value 'string' is marked as XML attribute

ORA-19330: Type 'string'.'string' not installed. Please install the type before using the CREATE_DBURI operator

ORA-21603: property id [string] is invalid

ORA-21614: constraint violation for attribute number string

ORA-22306: type "string"."string" already exists

ORA-22316: input type is not a collection type

ORA-22884: object modification failed

ORA-23305: internal deferred RPC error: string

ORA-23389: obsolete procedure; drop objects and recreate using new master

ORA-23431: wrong state: string

ORA-23504: columns added to table do not match list of columns to be added

ORA-24905: invalid recepient protocol attribute passed into OCI call

ORA-25135: cannot use the SINGLE TABLE option

ORA-25196: keyword MOVE in ALTER TABLE MOVE must immediately follow table_name

ORA-25262: agent name cannot be NULL if address is a multi-consumer queue

ORA-25528: too many candidate MTTRs are specified in _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET

ORA-26077: direct path column array is not initialized

ORA-26096: transfer size too small for row data (number bytes required)

ORA-26512: error pushing transaction to def$error

ORA-26526: materialized view sql ddl parse/expansion failed for string.string

ORA-26528: local store callback proc phase failed for 'string.string'

ORA-26534: collision: tranID number ignored and purged

ORA-28504: ROWID not found in ROWID cache for heterogeneous database link

ORA-29344: Owner validation failed - failed to match owner 'string'

ORA-29519: name string resolved via a synonym in schema string to a class with a different name

ORA-29878: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine

ORA-29936: NULL association is allowed only with a column or an index

ORA-30018: Create Rollback Segment failed, USN string is out of range

ORA-30111: no closing quote for value 'string'

ORA-30434: refresh method must be one of FC?AN, not 'string'

ORA-30459: 'string.string' cannot be refreshed because the refresh method is NONE

ORA-30513: cannot create system triggers of INSTEAD OF type

ORA-30729: maximum number of columns exceeded

ORA-31101: Token "string" not given while locking resource "string"

ORA-31427: source table string already subscribed

ORA-33920: (MAKEDCL34) The string SURROGATE must have one of the following datatypes: ID, NTEXT, TEXT, NUMBER, or INTEGER.

ORA-34489: (MXMAINT06) You cannot maintain workspace object because it is a SURROGATE.

ORA-36712: (XSMXALLOC02) Relation workspace object must be a one-dimensional self-relation to be used as a SOURCE or BASIS with ALLOCATE.

ORA-01674: data file string is an old incarnation rather than current file

ORA-01768: number string too long