Errores ORA

Errores ORA mas frecuentes

ORA-09796: szrbuild: malloc of role name failed.

ORA-09800: Process sensitivity label retrieval failed.

ORA-09808: Could not obtain user clearance.

ORA-09814: Unable to expand file name

ORA-09818: Number is too large

ORA-09829: pw_createPorts: server call pws_start_instance failed.

ORA-09850: soacon: Archmon unable to lock named pipe.

ORA-09873: TASDEF_OPEN: open error when opening tasdef@.dbf file.

ORA-09980: skxfqdrcv: Error Receiving a message from another endpoint

ORA-10573: Test recovery tested redo from change string to string

ORA-12027: duplicate filter column

ORA-12087: online redefinition not allowed on tables owned by "string"

ORA-12352: object string.string@string is invalid

ORA-12421: different size binary labels

ORA-12434: invalid audit type: string

ORA-12446: Insufficient authorization for administration of policy string

ORA-12483: label not in OS system accreditation range

ORA-12825: explicit degree of parallelism must be specified here

ORA-13021: element not continuous

ORA-13045: invalid compatibility flag

ORA-13046: invalid number of arguments

ORA-13047: unable to determine ordinate count from table layer_SDOLAYER

ORA-13054: recursive SQL parse error

ORA-13263: column string in table string is not of type SDO_GEOMETRY

ORA-13339: LRS Polygon clipping across multiple rings

ORA-13342: an arc geometry has less than three coordinates

ORA-13465: invalid destination window

ORA-14162: subpartition "string": sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100

ORA-14192: cannot modify physical index attributes of a Hash index partition

ORA-14507: partition corrupt. all rows do not fall within partition bounds

ORA-14620: DEFAULT subpartition already exists

ORA-16015: log string sequence# string not archived, media recovery disabled

ORA-16063: remote archival is enabled by another instance

ORA-16070: parameter string contains an invalid REGISTER attribute value

ORA-16214: apply stalled for apply delay

ORA-16613: initialization in progress for site

ORA-16709: the resource guard is busy and cannot service the request

ORA-16712: the resource handle is invalid

ORA-16732: Error executing dbms_logstdby.skip procedure

ORA-16772: Error in switching over between primary and standby databases

ORA-16805: Change of LogXptMode property violates overall protection mode

ORA-19009: Missing XMLSchema keyword

ORA-19204: Non-scalar value 'string' is marked as XML attribute

ORA-19330: Type 'string'.'string' not installed. Please install the type before using the CREATE_DBURI operator

ORA-21614: constraint violation for attribute number string

ORA-22306: type "string"."string" already exists

ORA-22316: input type is not a collection type

ORA-22884: object modification failed

ORA-23305: internal deferred RPC error: string

ORA-23389: obsolete procedure; drop objects and recreate using new master