Errores ORA

Errores ORA mas frecuentes

ORA-07701: sksatln: internal exception: output buffer too small

ORA-07800: slbtpd: invalid number

ORA-07843: sllfcl: LIB$FREE_VM failure

ORA-08235: smsget: listener not on this node

ORA-08266: create_ora_addr: cannot register name in nameserver

ORA-08270: sksachk: Illegal archival control string

ORA-08271: sksabln: Buffer size not large enough for archive control string

ORA-08311: sllfop: bad value for maxrecsize

ORA-08314: sllfcf: Error closing file

ORA-08452: specification of E in picture mask is unsupported

ORA-09200: sfccf: error creating file

ORA-09208: sftcls: error closing file

ORA-09209: sftget: error reading from file

ORA-09211: sfwfb: error writing to file

ORA-09244: smprset: error setting memory protections

ORA-09266: spawn: error starting an Oracle process

ORA-09290: sksaalo: error allocating memory for archival

ORA-09361: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver unable to lock context area

ORA-09704: sstascre: ftok error in creating test and set pages.

ORA-09716: kslcll: Unable to fix in-flux lamport latch.

ORA-09759: osnsbt: bad message received.

ORA-09761: pw_destroyPorts: server call pws_stop_instance failed.

ORA-09764: osnmop: access error on oracle executable

ORA-09790: sllfcf: unable to close file.

ORA-09800: Process sensitivity label retrieval failed.

ORA-09839: removeCallback: callback port is not in the callback set.

ORA-09850: soacon: Archmon unable to lock named pipe.

ORA-09882: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmctl error, unable to remove tas shm page

ORA-09939: Restoration of signal handlers failed.

ORA-09979: skxfqhsnd: Error Sending a message to another endpoint

ORA-09980: skxfqdrcv: Error Receiving a message from another endpoint

ORA-12020: materialized view string is not registered

ORA-12027: duplicate filter column

ORA-12449: Labels specified for user must be of type USER

ORA-12471: Specified compartment or group is not authorized for user

ORA-13197: element string.string.string is out of range

ORA-13281: failure in execution of sql statement to retrieve WKT

ORA-13402: NULL destination

ORA-13408: NULL table name

ORA-14062: one or more of table's partitions reside in a read-only tablespace

ORA-14162: subpartition "string": sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100

ORA-14191: ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for Composite Range partitioned object

ORA-14195: ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for RANGE or LIST partitioned object

ORA-14298: LOB column block size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION

ORA-14409: inserted partition key is outside specified subpartition

ORA-14609: Tablespace was not specified for the previous lob segments of column string in template but is specified for string

ORA-16015: log string sequence# string not archived, media recovery disabled

ORA-16150: FINISH recovery performed on another, older standby database

ORA-16530: invalid buffer or length

ORA-16557: the resource is already in use